Blackfriars Primary Family Gardening Gang

Blackfriars Primary Family Gardening Gang

Our Family Gardening Gang welcomes all families to get outdoors, learn new skills and share a love of gardening together. Our families would like to use funding to set up a Pollinator Palace, a Wildlife Woodpile, a Composting Kingdom and a Bird Hotel. We'd love to do more Forest School activities and to invite experts to teach us new sustainability skills. Please support our Gorbals families to improve their mental and physical health and to care for our environment. Thank you.


What a great opportunity for kids to enjoy nature, have fun and get messy and creative! There are many benefits to spending time outdoors, for example, it has been linked to beneficial effects for eyesight, particularly in children, potentially reducing the risk of myopia (nearsightedness)

Children having access to these types of spaces and being able to connect with and appreciate our natural environments is imperative for the future of our world. It would also give children opportunities to develop skills in collaboration, problem solving and communication with their families and peers. We need more spaces where families can come together and bond with each other and our environments.

Really good idea and the kids love it!

Great plan, good luck!

Great idea! Let's get everyone outside and growing!

Awesome initiative.

Great idea!

Blackfriars primary family gardening yang

It’s so important for our children to learn all about how plants grow, and super fun for them.

Our family do Family Gardening with Blackfriars and it is the highlight of the school week, for the entirety family. We look forward to helping repair the broken polytunnel and promote the growing orchard. We love Family Gardening.

Excellent idea! Great for wellbeing and community spirit.

What a fab idea and great opportunity for the kids to get involved and families to enjoy!

This is a great idea with multiple benefits for the children, their families and the wider community!

In the city centre of Glasgow where our school is there is little green space or gardening opportunities, with Gardening Club families are able to get outside for their own mental health and learning opportunity. It's a fantastic initiative that all our families enjoy!

What a fun and interactive way to learn this would be :)

Excellent way to help children learn ways to look after their own wellbeing, their future, and to help build a sense of community!

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